Narcissus & Goldmund

INarcissus and Goldmund  (German: Narziß und Goldmund; also published as Death and the Lover) is a novel written by the German–Swiss author Hermann Hesse which was first published in 1930. At its publication, Narcissus and Goldmund was considered Hesse’s literary triumph; chronologically, it follows Steppenwolf

 Like most of Hesse’s works, the main theme of this book is the wanderer’s struggle to find himself, as well as the Jungian union of polar opposites (Mysterium Coniunctionis). Goldmund represents art and nature and the “feminine mind”, while Narcissus represents science and logic and God and the “masculine mind”.


INNER CONFLICT 100cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: In shifting my perceptions, I change my outlook on life…like in art, there is not only one way to see its beauty. Sometimes we need to look outside the lines, not between them 

 LEAVE WITHOUT LAUGHTER  140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: My greatest strength lays in my ability to overcome my greatest weakness. I know when I am not on the right path and my stronger self will have the last laugh

LIFE IN ALL ITS FACETS 140cm x 190cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: I have taken many paths and allow each one to shape me

THE KINDNESS AND CRUELTY OF BEING HUMAN  150cm x 190cm oil on canvas (2014)

 My interpretation: We are not alone in our quest, yet in my quest I feel alone 

FAMILIARITY OF SILENT SCREAMS 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: When my fears are fed, my faith screams in silence. It is then that I suffer

KNOWN  VASTNESS OF THE SOUL  200cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: There is much to know, and with every answer… I have a new question

ETERNAL RESTLESSNESS 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: My restlessness is the screaming of my soul to be fed…I must feed what I have discovered in self

INNOVATIVE COMPOSITION 110cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: I have searched through life to find me, and now I take a moment to know me

LIFE BEYOND SELF 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: We can not deny who we are…who we have always been.Eventually our truth will scream to be known. Take a moment and ask yourself….what is my truth?

OPPOSING PERFECTIONS 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: There is perfection in my imperfections. The light shines on my darkness and in my darkness I see my light

ILLUSTRATED FULFILMENT 130cm x 150cm oil on canvas

My interpretation: There is perfection in my imperfections. The light shines on my darkness and in my darkness I see my light

KNOWN DEPTH OF THE HUMAN CONDITION 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: In Peeling back the layers of self, I begin to see that my insticts are the voice of who I have always been… not who I learned to become

BIRTH OF TRAGEDY 140cm x 150cm oil on canvas (2014)

My interpretation: If I do not follow my path, chaos rules
